
A holistic approach to SEN – The North East’s Specialist Conference

Following the massively popular and successful North East Dyslexia Conference held at Jesmond Dene House in 2019, we are pleased to announce its return, but not just about dyslexia, but a whole range of speakers relevant to SEN, ideal for CPD, attendance certificates available. This year it is due to be held at the Newcastle Falcons arena with plenty of easy parking and access via public transport. See below for details and to book please click here.

Falcons Rugby Stadium
Brunton Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE13 8AF

A holistic approach to SEN - Conference 2023

Dyslexia – where to start?

Join us for this relaxed and informative session at our new second site ‘Toucan HubII’, which is situated next door to Blaydon Rugby club.

If you have concerns about your child’s progress in reading and you suspect they may be dyslexic or if your child has a recent diagnosis of dyslexia, come along and find out more information.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions and socialise with other families and children with similar experiences. We’ll jargon bust some of the language used when discussing literacy, look at strategies for learning, interventions, and accommodations. As always, there will also be activities for the young people that promote dyslexic strengths plus refreshments.

Tickets are priced at £5 per family.

Please note that all children must be accompanied by an adult. You will need to provide your own lunch.

Toucan Hub 2
Crow Trees Ground, Hexham Road, Newcastle, NE16 3BN (Blaydon Rugby Club grounds).

Monthly Event

Dyslexia Support Group

Parent and child dyslexia support workshops.

The sessions are suitable for primary and secondary age children. The day runs from 10am to 3pm, snacks and refreshments are provided but please bring along a packed lunch.

The event is mainly subsidised by Toucan but we are asking for a £5 payment (for two people- strictly one parent and child). This is to ensure we have a full group who are dedicated to coming.

Places are limited so if you are interested in this workshop or any of the others in this series, please get in touch as soon as possible to register your interest by emailing us at You will then be sent an email to confirm your booking.

Toucan Hub
Media Exchange 3, Coquet Street (access from Stepney Bank), Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 2QB


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