Urban street photography

Art exhibition by children with dyslexia and SEN

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An exhibition produced and curated our children is due to open on 25th March to coincide with Ouseburn Open Studios weekend.

The two day event is open to the public and will feature a range of artworks from our students aged 5-15, including portraits of famous people with dyslexia and SEN, urban photography and street art.

Toucan Education, all different, all special

The exhibition celebrates neurodivergent creativity and showcases the strengths that come with having special educational needs. It seeks to challenge negative perceptions while also highlighting the many famous figures with dyslexia and SEN such as Richard Branson, Tom Cruise, Robson Green, Ross Noble, Albert Einstein, Whoopi Goldberg, Leonardo da Vinci and Pablo Picasso.

Mohammed Ali Portrait

Philippa Vince, CEO of Toucan Education says; “This exhibition shines a light on the extraordinary talents of the children we work with on a daily basis. Children with dyslexia and SEN can be extremely creative and intelligent and often grow up to be unique thinkers.”

“We want people to recognise these skills as a superpower rather than a disability. We want these children to feel empowered by their additional needs and know that it gives them a special advantage in life.”

Philippa Vince, CEO

Dyslexia and SEN affect thousands of children across the north east but often due to lack of funding, they don’t get the support they need. These children can face many learning challenges including difficulties with spelling, handwriting, listening, memorising verbal information and numeracy.

Philippa adds; “Dyslexia and have no bearing on intelligence so needn’t be a barrier to education. With access to the right support these children can thrive.”

Street art photography

ExtraOrdinary will be held on 25-26 March at the Bottleworks Gallery, 8 Riverside Walk, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 1LX – Google Map link

Positive quote art

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